Ever have those times when you hear a song, and it is just the right song at just the right time? It happens to me a lot, actually. Many times, the song is as yet unrecorded and fleeting, making me wish the artist would hurry up and record their next project already, so I can have the song in my collection! Fortunately, in the internet age, we have things like YouTube to help keep the songs available to hear at will. From time to time here on the blog, I’ll be posting songs that strike me, officially recorded or ‘only’ online. Some might be new, some might be old – I’m all about sharing music I love here.
Today, it’s all about really new songs. Cary Cooper started a series in 2012 called RealWomenRealSongs. She enlisted a bunch of female songwriters to write a song a week for a year, aided by a new prompt each week. The series is now in its second year, and the artists taking part are: Cary, Honor Finnegan, Ellis, Tracy Grammer, Tylan Greenstein, BettySoo, Terri Hendrix, Alice Peacock, Anna Vogelzang, Hope Dunbar, Megan Burtt, Emily Dunbar, Lucy Wainright Roche, Natalie York, Connie Mims, Annika, Dorit, Ingrid Elizabeth, Lisa Markley, Sara Hickman, Kate Hearne, and Stephanie Macias. Also participating are visual artists Ginger Fowler and Jeff Donahue. Continue reading